Things we do every day to optimize our Staffing Process

Although the current job market may be a candidate’s dream, it is making recruiters’ workloads heavier and possibly their time management a nightmare. More positions must be filled, more candidates must be interviewed, and thus more applications and demands must be processed. Because talent acquisition professionals are forced to manage their own small staff while juggling multiple tasks due to a lack of recruiters, the situation is made worse.

What should we do if we’re swamped with work? Increased working hours are not the solution. In addition to lowering productivity, working extra can have a negative impact on your personal life and wellbeing. A better solution is to make better use of the time we already spend at work.  

The key to creating a prioritization strategy is a method for selecting which tasks to tackle first.

The following strategies employ a variety of approaches, but one or two of them might be particularly appealing to us.

1st Choice
1.We make a daily schedule

Creating a to-do list. Simply put, creating a to-do list helps us become more productive and relieves our anxiety about unfinished business.

  • Set deadlines: Setting deadlines aids in prioritization and improves planning. We will recognize our priorities and know what to do first when we have one significant task scheduled for the coming week and another one for the end of the month.  
  • Set rewards: When we complete a significant task or a goal, treat ourselves to a small pleasure. If the goals are accomplished, we can take our friends to a movie or give ourselves permission to spend some time playing video games. whatever inspires and relaxes us.

2. Automate Our Daily Work 

We have found that the majority of our day is taken up with routine tasks, leaving us with little time for the things that really matter. 

Also not just us. According to a West Monroe survey, 36% of managers devote 3–4 hours per day to administrative work. Automation is advantageous in this circumstance. 

Similar changes are being brought about by automation technology in the recruitment sector. It not only gives us more time to focus on more crucial tasks, but it also results in quality hires and speeds up the hiring process.  

3.Pick A Time To Check Emails 

As recruiters, we probably receive a number of emails and LinkedIn messages per day. We won’t have time for our daily tasks if we start reading and responding to each of these emails.  

It’s best to set aside some time each day to check and reply to our emails in order to avoid letting them hinder our productivity. We set aside an hour, two or three times per day, to check our email. After completing that, we should close our mailbox and concentrate on finishing our tasks.   

We use folders and color coding to highlight emails in addition to setting aside time to check them. For instance, we move an email to the “done” folder once we’ve replied to it. To prevent forgetting to respond, color-code emails from superiors (and other important stakeholders).  

4. How We Keep Our Mental Health in Check  

  • Avoid skipping meals. People frequently skip meals when they’re pressed for time or in a hurry. However, this frequently has the complete opposite result. We will find it difficult to focus, we will become moody, and we will be less productive overall our glucose levels drops.
  • Learn to say “no”: If you are concentrating on your own work, don’t be afraid to decline your colleagues’ requests. You will have less time for your work and less time for leisure if you always say yes to ad hoc tasks, which could ultimately lead to burnout and stress.
  • Leave time for leisure:  We Always leave time in our schedule for relaxation. Starts a hobby that will divert our attention from work, or plan frequent get-togethers with family and friends. Engage in whatever activity will refuel us for our upcoming obligations and tasks.

5. Set Priorities for Work

Making decisions about what to do first and how to do it can become overwhelming with job requests coming in from various departments. Setting priorities for our workload is the first step. Make a list of all the open positions, indicate the ideal start date, think about how the position will affect the business, and decide whether it will be easy or difficult to fill.  

As recruiters, we don’t rush the hiring procedure because doing so could lead to a bad hire that would cost the business more money. In order to prioritize our work and organize our workflow, we get in touch with the right stakeholders. By putting these five productivity suggestions into action, we are better equipped to find time for important tasks like tracking our hiring efforts, fostering employee engagement, establishing connections, and discovering new sources for candidate attraction.   

Furthermore, this will enhance our company’s overall performance, improve hiring quality, and have a positive impact on the candidate experience.